Upcoming Events

Teach-In | Democracy and the Public University

Teach-In | Democracy and the Public University

  5 - 6:30 p.m.
  10 Stephens Hall

Poulomi Saha
Abhishek Kaicker
Aarti Sethi

Join us for a teach-in led by Prof. Poulomi Saha on the recent student and citizen protests in India. Topics of discussion will include:

1) the situation in India: the historical context of the anti-CAA protests, why Jamia and AMU, why JNU

2) the global attrition of the public university: why it is being attacked

3) thinking from the place of Berkeley: our own investments in this question, what is happening here and also the question NRIs, these debates, and the rise of the Right.

Event made possible with the support of the Sarah Kailath Chair of India Studies

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Please note that parking is not always easily available in Berkeley. Take public transportation if possible or arrive early to secure your spot.

The event is FREE and OPEN to the public.