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Supreet Kaur | The Malleability of Cognitive Capacity

Supreet Kaur | The Malleability of Cognitive Capacity

  5 - 7 p.m.
  10 (ISAS Conf. Room) Stephens Hall

Supreet Kaur
Sanchita Saxena

Join us for a talk by development economist Prof. Supreet Kaur.

About the Speaker
Prof. Kaur is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at UC Berkeley. A development economist by training her, with work overlaps with behavioral and labor economics. The first strand of her research focuses on the functioning of labor markets in poor countries. Her work documents frictions in labor markets, studies the causes of unemployment, and examines the impact of inequality on labor productivity. The second strand of her research explores how social norms and behavioral biases--such as the limits of human cognition and self-control problems--can affect individual behavior and market equilibria. By applying insights from psychology into economics, her goal is to deepen our understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty.

Click HERE to read more about Prof. Kaur and her publications.

Event made possible with the support of the Sarah Kailath Chair of India Studies

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