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Somini Sengupta | Existential threats

Somini Sengupta | Existential threats

  5 - 7 p.m.
  The Heyns Room Faculty Club

Somini Sengupta
Geeta Anand

ISAS is proud to announce the 7th Sarah Kailath Memorial Lecture - a lecture series on the theme of Women and Leadership. This lecture series has been established in memory of Sarah Kailath (February 5, 1941 - October 15, 2008), a long-time supporter of ISAS’s mission and activities and in whose name the Institute holds an endowed chair titled the Sarah Kailath Chair in India Studies.

Our seventh Sarah Kailath Memorial lecturer is George Polk Award-winning journalist and The New York Times's International Climate Change Correspondent, Somini Sengupta.

Speaker Bio
Somini Sengupta, a George Polk Award–winning journalist, covers international climate issues for The New York Times, for which she was previously the bureau chief in Dakar and New Delhi. She has reported from a Himalayan glacier, a Congo River ferry, the streets of Baghdad and Mumbai and many places in between. She won the George Polk Award for international reporting in 2004. From 2005 to June 2009, she was the Bureau Chief in New Delhi, responsible for The Times’ coverage of India and the region.

Somini is the author of The End of Karma: Hope and Fury Among India's Young.

Somini is also a UC Berkeley alumni. She graduated from the University of California at Berkeley, majoring in English and Development Studies.

The Sarah Kailath Memorial Lecture on "Women and Leadership," derives from the Sarah Kailath Chair in India Studies. The chair was established by Thomas Kailath, and Vinita and Narendra Gupta in honor of Dr. Kailath's wife, Sarah Kailath, to enhance awareness and knowledge of issues relating to the Indian subcontinent. The current Sarah Kailath Chair is Munis D. Faruqui, Chair, Institute for South Asia Studies and Professor, South and Southeast Asian Studies. Professors Lawrence Cohen, Raka Ray, Robert P. Goldman and Thomas Metcalf previously held the Chair.

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The event is FREE and OPEN to the public.