Grants for South Asia Workshops

ISAS logoThe South Asia Forum offers grants for student led conferences or workshops. This grant opportunity, designed to encourage collaborative work between graduate students at UC Berkeley, sponsors one graduate student-led research workshop or mini-conference in any field on contemporary or historical South Asia-related topics every Spring semester. The aim of this program is to provide a forum for graduate students to engage in scholarly dialogue and to foster the free exchange of ideas on shared research interests.


  • The conferences/workshop should be typically one day in length.
  • Should be planned for the Spring semester of each academic year.
  • And should include a minimum of eight to ten participants.
  • Interdisciplinary or multinational themes will be particularly welcome.
  • Scholars in the professional schools are especially encouraged to apply.

Supported Activities:

ISAS will provide support to graduate students leading or administering these research workshops or mini-conferences in three broad ways:

  • Funding support: Depending upon availability of funds, ISAS will provide support for inviting one outside speaker (US based only). If required, ISAS will also assist in efforts to raise other funds.
  • Logistical support: in terms of venue rental, help with publicity and supplies, and printing of materials.
  • Conference/Workshop Report support: Grant recipients will have to submit a summary report on the event to the ISAS and ISAS will dedicate one issue of its new publication, "South Asia Resarch Notes," to the conference/workshop.


  • Applicants must be UC Berkeley graduate students.
  • Participants could be from other academic institutions.


  • Deadline for Proposals: Last Friday of October
  • Notice of Acceptance or Decline: Second Friday of November

How to Apply:

Interested students should submit:

  • a detailed description of the conference/workshop (1-2 pages) including its theme(s), goals, and intended audience
  • a conference/workshop agenda
  • a budget

Any questions should be directed to Puneeta Kala at